
Charles Krauthammer Joins Everyone Else on the Right

crown_of_feathers8/13/2010 7:35:02 pm PDT

re: #427 dbe928

Give it up, my friend.

LGF has, as we used to say back in the LGF day, “jumped the shark”.

God forbid you try to make a distinction between “We’re going to PREVENT YOU from building a mosque (because we’re RETHUGLICANS and don’t care about NO CONSTEETUTION!)” and “My Islamic friends, don’t you think it MIGHT POSSIBLY be more sensitive to the memory of dead Americans to put your center a little bit further away from where your co-religionists MURDERED THEM???????”

But that’s too FREAKING DIFFICULT for Charles and the MORON CREW that populate LGF nowadays to work out, isn’t it?

Isn’t it, Charles???

By the way (last comment before being banned): I’ll take Robert Spencer, David Horowitz, and Charles Krauthammer over this LGF crew of a-holes ANY DAY OF THE WEEK!