
Bloomberg on Anti-Mosque Movement: 'Unfair and Un-American'

SanFranciscoZionist8/24/2010 8:29:35 pm PDT

re: #421 HappyWarrior

What I don’t get looking at the transcript is why Dr. Laura felt the need to bring Obama and Obama voters in to the argument. Dr. Laura is so stupid to think it’s wrong to talk about racism since we have a black president. I mean seriously. The fact we’ve had nearly all Christian presidents hasn’t stopped people like Dr. Laura from claiming that Christians are discriminated against. Seriously Palin and Dr. Laura are nuts and should be treated as such.

Why should Dr. Laura have to help this stupid woman whose husband’s family is hurting her feelings, when Dr. Laura has to wake up EVERY DAY in a world where Barack Obama is the president, and she’s pretty sure black people did it to her?