
John Oliver Examines the Freaky Stuff Going on in State Legislatures

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)11/04/2014 9:01:40 am PST

re: #431 BeachDem

Yeah—the media are doing most of the heavy lifting for the Republicans:

OMG, Tom Harkin said Joni was good-looking!!! (that Ermst is a total conspiracy theory wingnut—crickets.)

OMG, Baker shed a tear at the debate, there goes Massachusetts.

OMG, a dispute over a fan during a debate in Florida—let’s cover that for days on end and avoid talking about hideous Rick Scott policy.

OMG—FitzGerald was driving on an expired license. Kasich refuses to answer questions for the Plain Dealer? What the hell, let’s endorse him anway.

OMG—Grimes wanted to keep her secret ballot secret!!! That disqualifies her from every holding elected office, probably forever. Let’s talk about that for days and weeks and never mention any of McConnell’s heinous words and deeds.

OMG—Ebola’s gonna kill us all, and that is what people are concerned about and why they are going to vote against Democrats. Of course, polling shows the exact opposite, but why let that get in the way of a good story.

Lather, rinse, repeat and provide the Republicans that 2-3% margin they need to win.

Really, the media is such a joke. Focus on petty bs and ignore the real problems.