
Torture: Not Only Was It Evil and Immoral, It Didn't Work

Dr. Matt12/09/2014 5:45:40 pm PST

From Gawker
Long time reader who has never commented, but I absolutely had to when I saw this article. I went to undergrad with this fool at Claremont McKenna College. He was just as despised there as he is now. He was a notorious instigator and had no friends. The college was waiting for him to graduate and leave so they wouldn’t have to deal with his ludicrous exposs. He was known to have an Asian fetish because he wanted a submissive woman. Hilariously, he graduated being best known for pooping on the (I think I’m remembering the floor right) 7th floor of Stark (a dorm). I’m sad this idiot is getting any attention at all, but I hope this guy becomes famous for the same reasons he was in college, his public pooping problems.

For posterity: