
California Professor Goes Public, Speaks Out About Sexual Assault Allegation Against Brett Kavanaugh: "I Thought He Might Kill Me"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/16/2018 6:58:50 pm PDT

Working on my genealogy this afternoon, and looking at some DNA matches (to harken back to a discussion from the other day), and once again I come across many examples of how difficult it is to come to grips with the past.

Many people don’t give a mind to their ancestors, but if they do it is unlikely they know about anyone past their grandparents.

Understanding the past takes some work, and this I propose is why so many Americans can be so easily mislead by well spoken polemicists.

That some of the “founding fathers”, especially those who expounded upon ideology and were instrumental in the Constitution, were definitely not Christian, and some who were labeled as “Christian” were so in a way that today’s “conservatives” would say were not true Christians, is not something one will hear from many pulpits.