
If the US Has a 'Health Czar,' Who Are the Serfs?

acwgusa2/24/2009 9:40:08 am PST

re: #421 transient

re: #206 acwgusa

No argument from me. Except that the government could effect tort reform, if it had the will. No sign of that on the horizon. Don’t expect it from this administration for sure.

Nursing is extremely understaffed, but I’m not sure that it’s for lack of trying. I think it’s just too hard a job for too little pay, and not enough people are interested in it. We are importing nurses from third world countries (Philippines, for example) to make up the shortfall. I’m not aware of the nursing malpractice issue that notutopia pointed out, but will take his/her word for it. It wouldn’t surprise me.

There is also increasing reliance on physician’s assistants and RNs to do some of what doctors used to do, and on LPNs and technicians to do what RNs used to do, for cost savings. Look for more of that, whatever system we end up with.

General point: for anyone who IS interested in a stable job in a declining economy, though—health care is it. Health care industry, as far as I’m aware, has seen no significant decline in business and the baby boomers are going to require a lot of care for the next few decades.

I wouldn’t except this current administration to effect any reform that would help Americans.