
Discovery Institute Raises Stink About Vatican Evolution Conference

realwest3/05/2009 9:06:27 pm PST

re: #420 jaunte Hey juante! Well I’m feeling a little bit better than I was this morning when I posted this at #633 of the DT:

it is with great sadness that I have to announce the passing of LGF commenter ElderZionist - who’s widow, LGFer ChildofMary informed me of my friend’s passing last night.
While ElderZionist and his widow ChildofMary were infrequent contributors to LGF, health issues were a primary reason - ElderZionist had had cancer for a number of years, and was also afflicted with a heart related problem- two surgeries and numerous bouts of chemotherapy/radiaiton thereapy left his body too weak to continue his fight.
He was a fine man and a truly good friend to me and his widow ChildofMary has been an equally good friend - she suffers from Fibromalgia and usually has difficulty typing.
There will be no memorial service, but ChildofMary expressed the wish that if anyone wanted to remember him that they make a donation to Cancer Research, through the American Cancer Society.
I realize that many of you will not recognize their nicnames out here - they became LGFer’s quite some time ago, but you should know that he helped me keep my spirits up as he went through his own ordeal as did ChildofMary. I will miss him and his tremendous zest for life and his toughness a great deal.

To which I would add that ElderZionist was just 64 years old, and a Vietnam Veteran (Air Force).