
Breaking: Prop 8 Overturned

simoom8/04/2010 4:00:39 pm PDT

Jack Cafferty emulates Glenn Beck with his question for the day:
Is a second American revolution coming?

The first one started with the Boston Tea Party. More than 230 years later, some think the time is ripe for a second American revolution.

An editorial in “Investors Business Daily” suggests people are now asking if the government does more harm than good—and if we should change what it does and the way it does it.

Much of the blame is laid on what it calls the “imperial presidency.” It says that through his policies – like record spending and deficits, taxes, health care, etc. -President Obama is “diminishing America from within”.

And there are growing signs that many Americans have had a bellyful of President Obama’s policies.

There’s immigration, which one day may be seen as the turning point in this struggle. While the federal government refuses to enforce the nation’s immigration laws and refuses to secure our borders – it’s going after Arizona in court for trying to protect its own citizens from an invasion of illegal aliens.

One Arizona sheriff says the federal government “has become our enemy and is taking us to court at a time when we need help.”

Here’s my question to you: Is a second American revolution coming?
