
Why Does the Right Hate Planned Parenthood?

Killgore Trout4/16/2011 8:04:53 am PDT

re: #428 Gus 802

Pseudo “Randians” in which they’re objectivists up to a certain point. So everything boils down to sound bites and self-identification and thus we have people walking around the USA calling themselves objectivists or Randians without really adhering to much of anything or having studied (or read) anything. Everything is based on what they read on a blog — “I am John Galt”. To be honest this sounds like typical American behavior.

I’m pretty sure American Libertarianism is fairly unique to this country. The Libertarian movement has been a dumping ground of bad ideas, revisionist history and conspiracy theories for almost 100 years. It really doesn’t have much to do with the textbook definition of libertarian.