
Times Editorial: The Incredible Shrinking Elephant

funky chicken5/04/2009 12:21:22 pm PDT

re: #426 Altermite

that’s their loss.

my kids hear a lot of more offensive stuff in school than ID. I have a master’s in biochem, undergrad microbiology, so I’m no fan of creationism/ID. It’s crap.

However, Bobby Jindal isn’t a risk to my children’s education or science knowledge. If the people of Louisiana like the job he’s doing as governor, well, good for them.

Federalism is a bit of a 2 edged sword, but I’m OK with in overall.

And parents who oppose the teaching of ID/creationism are pretty likely to discuss it with their kids from here on out if they see evidence that it is being taught. It’s kind of like how I watch to see if my kids are getting leftist political indoctrination (and YES they do) and Al Gore hysteria (again, YES they do).

It’s part of sending kids to a government school. If you don’t want your kids learning the government’s approved curriculum, you send the kids to private school.