
Overnight Open Thread

DrNaughty8/14/2009 6:08:07 am PDT

re: #431 iceweasel

There have been committees and panels on health care reform for 16 continuous years.

Even McCain promised health care reform.

It doesn’t matter, ultimately. It’s dead, partly for the reasons Nate Silver mentioned, partly for others. The deal Obama cut with big Pharma, for one. I heard about it last week and knew it was true, although the proof didn’t pop up til yesterday.
Also, look at how they’ve caved on the end of life provisions.

Pretty much over. Whatever we get is going to be nothing, basically. Look for the public option to be canned too.

We all want changes in the way we pay and obtain health care, which are driven by the cost of it.

We do not want the current system destroyed and replaced by Government being our mother and father however…