
Gingrich Blows the Dog Whistle Loud and Clear

Stonemason4/09/2010 7:55:19 am PDT

re: #395 garhighway

Not all.

Just enough to make the tactic worthwhile.

I think he felt he was in a target-rich environment.

I get that, you think he did it on purpose, you think he worded a speech in a racist manner. Based on years of observing racist actions and comments from Newt? Or based on a desire to find racism in an innocuous speech at what is most likely going to turn out to be a conference where real racism is displayed?

I imagine the rest of this conference is going to be crap, proof that there are racists in the world. I know that, which is why I denounce racism when I find it. What I a saying, poorly I guess, is that denouncing borderline stuff is sorta like crying wolf.