
Virginia Governor McDonnell Declares April 'Confederate History Month'

Gus4/06/2010 4:53:11 pm PDT

re: #399 TheMatrix31

It means what it means. I am sick and tired of race being a part of seemingly every single thing. I’m also sick of the race card being thrown around too. On blogs, in life, in politics, during comedy bits—-everything. It’s so annoying to hear.

Not really sure what was unclear about that.

That’s quite a challenge you’re facing. I mean, it must be really hard for one to have to face hearing or reading about race everyday. It must pale in comparison to having the highest incarceration rates in the country; lower pay; higher rate of AIDs; urban school deficiencies; poverty; crime; health care. Why even our black president doesn’t get any respect. Why those challenges pale in comparison to what you face.