
Inhofe: Soldiers Won't Fight for Gay Comrades

Kragar5/13/2010 4:39:22 pm PDT

Sarah Palin: American Law Should Be ‘Based On The God Of The Bible And The Ten Commandments’

According to Palin, the recent backlash against the National Day of Prayer is proof that some people are trying to enact a “fundamental transformation of America” and to “revisit and rewrite history” in order to shift the Christian nation away from its spiritual roots.

Palins’s advice: “Go back to what our founders and our founding documents meant — they’re quite clear — that we would create law based on the God of the bible and the ten commandments.

“What in hell scares people about talking about America’s foundation of faith?” Palin continued. “It is that world view that involves some people being afraid of being able to discuss our foundation, being able to discuss God in the public square, that’s the only thing I can attribute it to.”

Palin, you are a brainless bint