
Overnight Open Thread

NJDhockeyfan5/04/2011 9:33:57 am PDT

Far Left Not Cheering Death of bin Laden: ‘This Was One Killer Killing Another’

The death of arch-villain Osama bin Laden was not celebrated as good news everywhere. On the far-left Pacifica Radio (which takes in about $1.5 million per year in federal tax money from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting), one so-called journalist appearing on the Democracy Now program fretted over how celebrations of bin Laden’s demise were “disgusting” and “idiotic,” while a second guest sneered that this was “not justice” but a case of “one killer [the United States] killing another.”

…The Nation’s Jeremy Scahill showed up first to complain to host Amy Goodman: “I found it quite disgusting to see people chanting, like it was some sort of sporting event, outside of the White House. I think it was idiotic.” Scahill later fretted that President Obama was following too closely in the footsteps of his predecessor: “President Obama has really continued and doubled down on the Bush administration policy of targeted assassination leading the way in terms of America’s response to al-Qaeda and to people it designates as so-called terrorists.”

…A few minutes later, as MRC’s Tim Graham noted yesterday on our NewsBusters’ blog, Allan Nairn (billed as an “investigative journalist”) was even harsher on the United States. “People cheer because they thought they saw justice, but this was not justice,” Nairn scolded. “This was one killer killing another, a big killer, the United States government, killing another, someone who’s actually a smaller one, bin Laden.”

The radical Nairn went on to fault the American public for not rebelling against “repressive” rulers:

“Egyptians, Tunisians are doing their part. They’ve risen up against the repression they face. I think we need an American uprising, if we’re to put a stop to this kind of killing of innocent people.”
