
End of the Year Prediction Thread

palomino12/31/2011 11:56:12 pm PST

re: #425 Slumbering Behemoth

And so has his constituency, presumably. And this ain’t his first time at the rodeo. He’s been in a gov’t office as early 1991.

So no, “ignorance” on his part does not cut it for me. He’s not ignorant. He’s a craven panderer to bigots.

But since when are ignorance and pandering to bigots mutually exclusive? (Think Palin.) Santorum seems sincerely homophobic, and stupid enough to believe that gays have some magical power to destroy all that’s good in western civilization. And he ran on that in 2006 in PA. It wasn’t the only reason he lost, but his radical culture war stance didn’t help in moderate blue PA.