
Video: Excerpts From Mitt Romney's Attack on Donald Trump

A Mom Anon3/03/2016 11:58:53 am PST

re: #360 Testy Toad T

THIS. I live in GA. I’m from Ohio. I left when my auto factory job got sent to Japan, after struggling for several years to survive in retail jobs. There were jobs here, my daughter was a toddler and politics didn’t really influence my choices. I was 26 then. I’m about to turn 56.

I get seriously sick of liberals telling me I should just move. I wish the hell I could. But, you kinda have to have a job to go to and actual money to move. Especially if you’re a working class family in the 50K range or lower. My husband had a 110K a year job until the economy tanked in 2007/08. He was middle management and one afternoon, after 15 yrs with the company and the promise of a dept VP promotion they let him go. 6 months severance pay and a hearty fuck you. We lost our life savings after that. It took him nearly 10 months to find another job. We have no savings and no retirement left and a house that needs repairs we can’t afford and most likely will have to go more into debt to make before we could consider selling this place and making any sort of profit. We’re not lazy, we’ve done all the things this fucking culture tells you to do to be successful. And it hasn’t worked.

And as far as all of us here in the South deserving what we get, HOW in the hell is that shitty attitude any fucking better than the assholes who whine and cry about “taking their country back”? You know what? If Democrats down here weren’t a bunch of cowering whiny Blue Dog ass kissers who are so scared of criticism they just go along to get along we might have made more inroads here. In GA, the ONLY real Dem presence is in Atlanta, Athens and Macon. The rest of the state is solid red and alot of us, and I mean more than there ever should be, face ballots on Election Day with NO Democratic challenger at State, Federal and Local levels. There is no outreach, no events except boring as fuck little dinner meetings where nothing is done except fundraising for Atlanta dems. The National level Democratic organizations don’t invest a fucking penny here and it does not matter how much someone like me raises hell. I don’t deserve to be written off because of geography and gerrymandering. And anyone who thinks the whole of the South should be written off with a “fuck them”, well fuck you too. I’ve heard enough of that shit and that’s a big part of why this part of the country is full of retrograde assholes who long for it to be the 1860s.