
New From Seth Meyers: Mueller Complained About Barr's Letter to Congress

lawhawk5/02/2019 10:59:56 am PDT

re: #434 DangerMan

Impeachment is the 2 stage process.

The House kicks off the impeachment process with gathering the evidence and then voting on articles of impeachment to send to the Senate to try with the outcome being removal if 2/3 vote aye.

Based on Mueller, there’s at least 10 separate obstruction charges you could investigate more fully in the House. Obstruction is clearly a high crime as per GOP treatment of Clinton in 1999.

There’s also the Cohen-Trump money laundering case where Trump is an unindicted coconspirator. Money laundering is a federal felony. That’s a high crime.

Throw in conspiracy against the US, interfering in ongoing investigations, etc., and you could easily find 20-30 charges to send on to the Senate. Let the Senate GOP defend a corrupt Trump. Nay, force the GOP Senate to defend a corrupt Trump. Give them no quarter, and harass them to the end of time for it. Zero tolerance for this crap.