
Russian Strategic Bombers in Cuba and Venezuela?

Killgore Trout3/14/2009 10:24:14 am PDT

MPACUK, which initially supported the Islamist protestors in Luton last week, has realized how furious the British people have become. Now they claim the protesters were government agents sent to make Muslims look bad…..

Luton Protests: A Master Class in Propaganda

We want Muslims to consider what happened over the last few days since this latest media frenzy over the protests by Muslims in Luton.

Now we are not certain, but something about the protesters didn’t seem right. The language used on some of the placards seemed to echo the shadowy group formerly known as Al-Mahajaroun. Of course this is guess, but if proved right (Luton readers please come forward with your information) then it seems that this group, already seen as a front for the intelligence agencies by many leading Muslims behind the scenes, has led the Muslims into a well planned trap.

It was a master class in how to get people to support the troops and, through them, support the war - dividing the country between Muslim and non Muslim, instead of focusing on the issues themselves.

It was all too easy, and all too convenient for the governments foreign policy agenda. It was too perfect, and that’s where the clue lies. Was it genuine or, as some within the Muslim community are now thinking, a cleverly orchestrated move by shadowy forces in Britain who used this as part of the propaganda war they are currently actively waging against Muslims?