
Mitt Romney Wins New Hampshire Primary

palomino1/10/2012 8:02:22 pm PST

I don’t see this as a commanding victory, given the fact that: (a) NH is practically Romney’s home state, and apparently the state where he had the highest favorable rating in the whole country; and (b) the relatively weak field he’s running against. The only other candidate who’s not deeply flawed is Huntsman, who had Perry type numbers until a couple weeks ago.

Having said that, it will all be over if Romney can win by big margins in SC and FL. And Republicans would vote for a ham sandwich if it was running against Obama. But there doesn’t seem to be the kind of intraparty enthusiasm for Romney that there was for Bush in 2000; or for any of the top candidates (Obama, Hillary, even McCain) in 2008. Mitt’s had 5 years to get the gop to love him; it hasn’t happened, so he’ll have to settle for being tolerated and hopefully eeking out a close win in the general.