
Radio Hosts Jim Garrow and Pete Santilli Openly Call for Military Coup Against Obama

Blind Frog Belly White1/07/2014 4:18:22 pm PST

re: #385 kirkspencer

um. stepping away from the trollbashing for a bit, a bit of seriousness - look again at pie. Homemade, not store-bought.

A slice of homemade pie is going to run you 300 to 400 calories, roughly 1/3 fat and the rest carbs. How much carb is complex and how much is simple depends on the type of pie you make.

In addition, depending on the fruit you’re going to pick up several additional nutrients. Apple pie will give you 6-10% of the DAV for Iron and vitamin C, a bit of A and Calcium, and a touch of magnesium. It’ll also provide some dietary fiber.

My suggestion - in seriousness, as I do this when I’m doing food control - is a slice of pie for breakfast. As a rule fruit pie is best, but custard type pies have their benefits as well. Just … no pecan or millionaire or other sugar pie.

That way, madness lies!

Seriously, for me overeating is a function of the EXISTENCE of pie. I can’t eat just one piece. If it’s there, I’ll eat it. I discovered over my recent 16-day Fuck-Off-apalooza that one reason I could lose 30# this year had to do with there being no snacks available at work. At home, if I get peckish, I just stroll to the kitchen and make a sandwich, or some toast with jam, or a dish of cashews, then another…

On top of that, the Older Boy tried to kill me. He made caramels FOUR FUCKING TIMES!!!, in addition to 3 apple pies, 2 pumpkin, and a blueberry. Then on Sunday night, he suddenly decided to make Yorkshire Pudding.

Yorkshire Pudding? What in the Wide, Wide World of Sports possessed him? Where did he even get the idea?