
Creepy Thursday Night Jam: Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, "Red Right Hand"

Vicious Babushka9/19/2014 8:06:22 am PDT

re: #436 CuriousLurker

Or for that matter that antisemitism as we know it today—as opposed to the older type of discrimination that pretty much any minority group faced in ancient times—started well before Islam with the advent of Christianity and the drive for converts to the new religion.

The most vicious forms of European antisemitism like pogroms, blood libels, etc. really began to come into their own around the time of the Crusades, with many Jews fleeing to Muslim lands. Life for Jews in Muslim lands was far from perfect, but for the most part it wasn’t anywhere near as dangerous as living in Europe. Hell, even the Reformation that everyone is so proud of involved antisemitism. Has anyone taken a look at Martin Luther’s On the Jews and Their Lies treatise?

But people aren’t aware of that long history of ugliness, so the likes of Geller get away with their bullshit historical revisionism.

It just makes me crazy that Geller, Spencer & the rest of their little hate club plagiarize the old anti-Jewish tropes WORD FOR WORD just with a global search-and-replace of “Muslim” for “Jew”