
Gateway Pundit/Progressives Today Blogger Arrested for Pulling Gun at Oregon Protest

Shimshon7/09/2016 3:52:18 am PDT

re: #436 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

For the love of Mike, I told you what I wanted to see: authoritative evidence from a recognized source stating unequivocably that gangs are in every city. That’s your argument. Citing articles from different locations about gang violence is anecdotal evidence and specifically not what I am demanding, nor would it support your contention gangs are in every city.

Meanwhile, you haven’t answered my questions, such as, do you live in the USA and do you have personal experience with gangs? Instead, you accuse me of attacking the messenger. An overly defensive non-response also does not help your argument.

No, I am really going to eat dinner. So, hasta la vista.

How exactly do you find such a resource? I guess you could search through the SPLC but you’d have to gather up a lot of evidence. This is why I said just name a city and I will find gangs operating as well as gang attacks on civilians. But you want to crate a new impossible task for me because you just can’t admit you don’t know anything about gangs in America. By the way aren’t you in China or something? And you’re trying to question my knowledge of America and where I live? This place is so strange when I go against prevailing wisdom.