
Another Massive Windfall for Palestinians

NJDhockeyfan3/06/2009 9:56:38 am PST

Enter Your slogan for DNC anti-Rush Limbaugh billboard

(ChattahBox) — The Democratic National Committee figures they’ll just keep stirring the Rush Limbaugh pot. They’re asking Democrats to contribute potential slogans for a billboard ad they plan on purchasing in West Palm Beach, Fla., where Limbaugh makes his home.

After filling in your suggested slogan here, the DNC convenintly takes you to a page where you can make a donation (not required though). Of course, if this contest goes viral, they will have lots of new e-mail addresses from individuals they can later solicit. I couldn’t resist and my 10 word or less banner suggestion was: ‘Caution hot air known to blow hard in this area’.