
Uncle Jimbo Apologizes, Banned User Lies

lawhawk3/06/2009 11:53:59 am PST

So, CNN thinks that Israel’s possible choice of Avigor Lieberman as foreign minister (nothing solid yet, just a possibility) will further complicated the stalled peace process.

Memo to CNN:
The prime reason that the peace process is stalled is that one of the two parties involved - the Palestinians - would rather have a continual and destructive war that they can’t win against Israel than have a peaceful coexistence in a 2-state solution. Hamas and Islamic Jihad don’t want peace. They want Israel destroyed. Lieberman’s elevation to such a high profile is a direct response to the failure of the continual concessions to Palestinians in the name of peace that undermines Israel’s national security and only encourages further terrorist acts by Gazans and Fatah thugs in the West Bank.

In other words, CNN gets cause and effect mixed up. Figures, since they’re on Israeli double standard time on all days ending in Y.