
The Gitmo Myth and the Torture Canard

albusteve5/21/2009 3:51:25 pm PDT

re: #427 Cato the Elder

Because I really feel you do owe more than just an apology to Lewis Carroll. You owe him a bottle of fine brandy poured on his grave, and a series of masses said for his soul’s repose, which you have disturbed.

For such things to work, they just have to work.

The rhymes are forced, bad, or off. The scansion is awful. The “story” makes no sense. It’s an exercise in chest-puffery.

I’d give it mega-updings if it worked as a parody, even though I disagree with it politically. As it is, the elitist snob critic in me will be brutally honest and say: “That sucks!”

oh good grief…Lewis Carroll id dead….so what?