
Esquire: McCarthyism 2.0? The Right's Battle with ACORN

Gus1/05/2010 8:46:36 pm PST

re: #408 Olsonist

Not that big on Kennedy and I’d put Clinton on the 3rd shelf. Maybe put Kennedy there on account of his brilliant handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Not sure on Grant. Not really into the early Presidents but with the exception of Washington (Madison?) they didn’t face the massive challenges Lincoln and FDR faced.

For me JFK would be staring down the barrel of the gun during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Most importantly would be NASA and the call to land a man on the moon. He had a unique character in that he could be both a person calling for peace yet able to carry a big stick. He was also a very inspiring person to many people. Civil rights, etc.

A couple of months ago I listened to his brother Robert when he was a guest on the Merv Griffin Show. I was surprised at how centrist to right he was on national security issues and it didn’t fit the modern stereotype. He was a lot like his brother in that regard.