
Video: Tea Party Convention Attendees Speak

Achilles Tang2/13/2010 3:55:34 pm PST

re: #245 HoosierHoops

If anyone..and I mean anyone wanted to run Fortran on my Super computer.. I’d fire their ass.. Period.
I haven’t seen Fortran routines in years… Jesus H. Christ!
/Sorry Jesus..Buy these guys a New Compiler..
Although if you are selling hats at Wal-Mart Fortran may work..
// 20 years ago

The truth is programmers 20 years ago generally wrote much cleaner and more efficient code than today, because they had to since the hardware would put up with sloppy crap that took 24 hours instead of 24 seconds to run.

Today one can get away with it, and it can be more difficult to determine where one screwed up in the logic when using all this object oriented mumbo jumbo.

Nothing wrong with Fortran, but give me APL any day for dealing with lots of numbers (not that I can remember it anymore, even if I could find a keyboard template).