
Overnight Open Thread

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/25/2011 11:27:46 am PDT

re: #431 Obdicut

Sure. Are you advocating invasion, then? And since Hamas doesn’t have a standing army, who would the IDF be fighting? Who would we be seeking a surrender from?

Well, while are at it, any industry or infrastructure is also a target, and as lefties like to point out repeatedly, Hamas is the democratically elected government…

That part is a two edged sword.

I am all for as a fist step cutting off power and water until hostages taken by the democratically elected government are returned.

If they double down,

You need to take out their bunkers and tunnel systems. I hope I do not piss anyone off by saying this, but from a purely military view, is to recognize that the tunnel systems are underground and have multiple entrances and exits as well as munitions dumps. The best way to clear that is to find ten or so entrances in a given area and pump napalm down the hole.

If you do this in enough places you will burn out the oxygen in the tunnel system and possible set off munitions dumps as well.

This will limit civilian casualties in general, but it will also likely burn down those homes in the tunnel network.

That makes it a win win and it also gets the leadership.