
Weird Animated Short of the Day: Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop

wrenchwench1/03/2014 10:27:38 am PST

The secret life of Bodfish’s Paul Morningstar

Someone was out to kill Paul Morningstar.

At least that’s what Paul Morningstar thought.

So he booby-trapped the inside and outside of his Bodfish home on North Salaine Drive with homemade bombs made from shotgun shells and mousetraps.

But instead of protecting him, it’s possible one of those devices caused his death.

Morningstar, believed to be in his 60s, was found in his home Saturday by county deputies, who, warned of numerous booby-traps, used robots to gain access.

He was last seen Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 18, on his bike, returning from his almost daily ride to the post office. There, the well-known maker of cycling tools would mail packages to clients around the world.
