
We Got Mail! (And the Door Opens) - Update: The Door Closes

LynnfromNZ2/16/2009 5:52:18 pm PST

re: #436 MrPaulRevere

Must’ve missed where he did so. I know he was still supporting apartheid well into the 1980s.

Now I happen to enjoy reading Buckley a lot, none of this is to throw him under the bus. It’s just to wonder why we conservatives are willing to explain away and ignore his faults and blind spots so readily, but aren’t with Ann.

Ann supports the CCC? “Give us Barabbas,” they yell.

Buckley supported the John Birch Society? “Well,” they say, “you have to understand the complex issues of the time, it’s really not what it seems, he didn’t support everything they said or did, he moderated his views later on, blah blah blah…”