
Danish Conservative Speaks Out on Climate Change

Coracle9/21/2009 6:12:05 pm PDT

re: #438 nchristi26

Latif’s stance is neither new nor anti-AGW.

From the third paragraph of the Max Plank Institute for Metereology’s press release on this study, which was published in Nature May ‘08

“Just to make things clear: we are not stating that anthropogenic climate change won’t be as bad as previously thought”, explains Prof. Mojib Latif from IFM-GEOMAR. “What we are saying is that on top of the warming trend there is a long-periodic oscillation that will probably lead to a to a lower temperature increase than we would expect from the current trend during the next years”, adds Latif. “That is like driving from the coast to a mountainous area and crossing some hills and valleys before you reach the top”, explains Dr. Johann Jungclaus from the MPI-M. “In some years trends of the two phenomena, the anthropogenic climate change and the natural decadal variation will add leading to a much stronger temperature rise.”