
Video: Debunking Monckton, Part 2

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/17/2010 8:18:08 pm PDT

re: #404 Escaped Hillbilly

Oh crap. Who do you think make up the military now? Its a volunteer force right? So who would agree to volunteer. Don’t give me that line about poor inner city black kids. I don’t serve with but a handful of people who joined cause they had no options. Most joined cause they support our country, our president (whoever he/she may be at the time), our causes, and the military. Former military’s kids join in higher numbers than civilians by percentage. The Right sends their kids to war. It does not make them less likely to saber rattle.

Really? Palin or Rush or Beck has encouraged their kids to serve?

Family connections were never used to keep politician kids either undrafted or safely put in the National Guard?

I am not talking about the average American parent who worries if their kid is in the service. Those parents come from across the board. I am talking about the fat people who would never consider going themselves of sending their kids, yet none the less love to talk big at the expense of others. We both know there are a ton of those.