
GOP Crowd Boos Gay Soldier Serving in Iraq, While Santorum Babbles About Sex

NJDhockeyfan9/23/2011 8:04:14 am PDT

re: #434 HappyWarrior

It pisses me off man. I had right wingers tell me that I was somehow anti American for protesting the Iraq War and that old hippies like my Dad aided and abetted the enemy by protesting Vietnam. Shit pisses me off so much. Meanwhile these guys boo an active miltiary member. And there’s guys like retired General Boykin who seem to think that non Christians should basically have second class status in our military. My cousin’s husband, an atheist and former Marine corpsman, and guy who was in Gulf War I is somehow less a patriot to Boykin and those like him because he doesn’t believe in God. Shame dicks they are.

Protesting against any war is not anti-American at all. It’s allowed and is one thing that puts this country far ahead of all the others.

This is anti-American and traitorous IMO.