
Another Incredible Time Lapse Video: The World Outside My Window - Earth From the ISS

HoosierHoops12/08/2013 12:36:07 am PST

Wonderful party tonight..They estimated a 1000 people were there. A lot of Norman and University and commerce Movers and shakers…Sure they had magicians and Comics and Music.
Guess what? I’m learning to cook. You better never serve me a lame salad with a few spinach leaves, 3 shaved pieces of pear ( Huh ? ) and 5 walnuts.
When I serve a salad..It will be a real effen salad.. I had to laugh and enjoy.. Do not complain to your guest about the dry Steak when the kitchen is cooking for a thousand..Veggies odd..It’s the new thing..If you can’t figure out what odd Veggie they steamed up.. Then you know you are cool.