
A Great Video From Bill Moyers on GOP Politicians Who Deny Climate Change and Evolution

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam3/29/2014 7:02:15 pm PDT

re: #41 FemNaziBitch

Maria Montessori described the infant as the “spiritual embryo” —an actual piece of God, as it were.

In essence, God puts a piece of himself into this world, and then works to diminish himself so this piece can become fully human. He loves us so much that he wants to become one of us.

Our job as parents, is not to mold that piece, but to allow it to grow into what it chooses to be.

Thus her other sayings “The child makes the man” and “Follow the Child”

Montessori got a lot of things right about childhood education. My daughter went to Montessori preschool and kindergarten and really enjoyed the whole experience. Recently, I learned about a similar method called the Reggio Emilia approach.
It was developed in Italy after WWII. almost 50 years after Montessori’s pioneering methods.

Montessori was certainly influenced by the mystical aspects of Catholicism. Her philosophy and theology are about as diametrically opposite to RW Christianity as you can get.