
Friday Night Jam: The Tallest Man on Earth - Love Is All

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/13/2014 1:48:29 am PDT

You may not have known this is happening - certainly American media haven’t figured out a way to make money off of it yet:

Anger mounts in Indian Kashmir after worst flood in over century

Residents of revolt-torn Indian Kashmir turned their wrath on state administrators for failing to provide them with succour after the worst flooding in over a century, angrily dumping food parcels into gutters.

A week into the disaster, large parts of Srinagar, the capital of Jammu and Kashmir, lay under water with many people still trapped atop their homes, and others crowded in relief camps.


The Indian government has put the death toll at 200 in the part of Kashmir it controls but there are fears that number will rise as the damage to Srinagar, a city of one million, and villages in southern Kashmir is fully revealed.

On the Pakistani side, officials put the death toll at 264 on Friday.