
Obama Forms Coalition of Arab States to Take Action Against ISIS, Right Wing (And Greenwald) Confused, Angry

klys (maker of Silmarils)9/23/2014 10:34:24 am PDT

re: #24 rhuarc

Some of your questions are valid ones.

I don’t pretend for a moment that GG actually thinks about them or gives a shit about the answers. All of his actions since the Snowden story broke have shown that he doesn’t care about the consequences of his actions, just how much they make him money and if he can attack the government he despises.

It is also worth noting that while the partners for this may not have the best human rights records, they are also all predominantly Sunni countries - as is Syria. Having partners in the region is important on this because it absolutely should not just be the US stomping in - or even a coalition of Western states - because that would be viewed by the folks in the region as continued meddling. Some will view it this way anyway, but here you have other folks joining in on saying “this is a problem and we will help.” Matters to some.