
Chuck C. Johnson Trying to Use Twitter to Dox Another Rape Victim

Reality Based Steve1/21/2015 9:15:26 pm PST

re: #33 CuriousLurker

About an hour ago I was going through my Google alerts and saw a wingnut article about “Muslim privilege”. I was like, “LOL wut?”

Yep, apparently POTUS is using his crypto-Muslim powers to protect & promote Islam at the expense of the real victims (white, christian men, naturally). They seem to have convinced themselves that these things are really & truly happening and they’re now a persecuted minority.

I kid you not:

Enough with the loonies for one day. O_o

G’nite, lizards.

Not quite the exact same thing, but closely relates…. Sandy Rios (who’s a wacko by any measure, and also president of the Culture Campaign PAC, Fox New Contributor and Townhall contributor) says that “Obama Used Islamic Subliminal Messages In The State Of The Union”…. Her ‘proof’, and I’m not making this up, is that he used the word “pillar” to describe the foundations of American Leadership. Know who else uses the term pillars… Muslims. There’s your proof. Don’t try to argue with it… it will just make your head hurt and one eye will slowly rotate in a counter-clockwise direction independent of the other one.