
Chuck C. Johnson Quotes White Supremacist Source in His Latest Racist Rant

CuriousLurker7/07/2015 4:13:52 pm PDT
Before I let this go, I want to note one other sentence from Johnsonā€™s 4200-word rant, because it really reveals the truly noxious person behind these words:

Black lives may matter but Black women simply arenā€™t desirableā€”even to rapists.

Yes, he really wrote this.

Response guaranteed to explode racistsā€™ heads because it plays on their deepest fears & feelings of inadequacy:

So according to that logic, I guess when slavery was legal white women mustā€™ve found black men irresistibly desirable and freely given themselves to them. Otherwise, where did all the mulattos, quadroons, octoroons, etc. come from?