
Congressional Black Caucus "Vehemently Opposes" Sanders' Reform Demands

A Mom Anon6/20/2016 1:08:04 pm PDT

Something I’ve noticed ( and I know anecdotes do not equal data) is that the people who want everything blown to pieces so we can supposedly start over in the United States of Unicorn Glitter Farts, are people who either 1) will not be touched by any of the chaos that will ensue because they have money or 2) simply haven’t spent time out in the real ass world where the rest of us have to live and try to figure out a way to care for ourselves and our families or 3) a combo platter of the above. I wish at least some of them would read a decent American History book at the very least.

It’s real easy to advocate for extreme shit when you won’t be effected by it. It’s also easy to talk shit like that when you have never had to scrape by. I know, this is a sweeping generalization. I apologize for that.

I will say this though: Far too many people think they can change the world by doing shit online or by symbolic protests. Neither of those things do jack shit. Democrats seem especially vulnerable to this sort of thinking and as a result, while our side was doing all those protests and the like, the other side got to work getting their people elected to everything from school boards and city councils to US Senators and Representatives. We have got to stop romanticising the 60s and get with the fucking program here. The only practical way to change things is from the inside out, revolutions generally have a lot of death and carnage involved. People seem to forget that part.