
New From Seth Meyers: Trump and Texas File New Election Lawsuit After Supreme Court Rejection

Joe Bacon ✅12/09/2020 9:05:57 pm PST

Are brainwashed relatives involved with this?

Yes. Jesus told them to go to DC for Trump along with their fellow Xtians…

Evangelicals plan to encircle Supreme Court to make ‘walls of corruption and election fraud to fall down’

This Tuesday, the Supreme Court rejected a request from Pennsylvania Republicans to overturn Joe Biden’s victory in the state, dealing a huge blow to Trumpland in their attempts to help President Trump retain the White House. There were no noted dissents in the Court’s ruling.

Incensed by the Court’s betrayal, figures inside the pro-Trump evangelical cult sent out a press release announcing the “Jericho March” planned for December 12, where “Jericho Marchers will simultaneously march around the U.S. Capitol, Supreme Court, and Department of Justice seven times praying for the walls of corruption and election fraud to fall down, just as Joshua and the Israelites walked around the walls of corrupt Jericho.”

“Following the marches, patriots and people of faith will converge on the National Mall for the ‘Let the Church ROAR!’” the release states.


One of the featured speakers at the march will be recently pardoned former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. Among the march’s organizers is self-proclaimed “prophet” Cindy Jacobs, who once tried to “decree that the coronavirus will cease worldwide” — a decree that didn’t work out too well.