
PJTV Hearing: The Stimulus Bill and Health Care

schnapp2/12/2009 3:32:32 pm PST

re: #40 Cymbaline

i don’t know where you get this false information from about public health care. i haven’t ever experienced “bureaucratic hoops” and the government has never taken away choice from me. i have the choice of my own phycisian and although if i use the public system i don’t get my own doctor (i still have the option of private health care) i actually do get treated. and when the ambulance takes some one away here who has been in a car crash, the person hanging on to life doesn’t have to give insurance details or sign any piece of paper. you get treated. simple.

so in fact i have more choice than in the US. i can go to a private hospital and get treated when i want by who i want. but if i lost my job i cuold still actually get treated, even if i have “less choice”. that is unlike tens of millions of americans.