
Brits Foil Far Right Plot to Bomb Mosques

Killgore Trout7/07/2009 10:26:35 am PDT

Parody? I can’t tell….
‘BNP Babes’ - scarier than thugs

You may not find their brand of humour palatable, and a number of you - quite fairly - are going to want to look away now.

But I think it’s worth commenting briefly on the latest post on the Viceland Blog – Babes of the BNP.

They’ve sought out a number of ‘atypical’ BNP supporters to interview. Atypical in as much as this lot don’t have crewcuts and tattoos but dyed, poker straight hair and plenty of slap.

The blog prints a provocative photo of each girl beside an interview with them. A typical exchange goes along the lines of this, with Rebecca Edwards from Manchester (pictured – with oh so subtle symbolism - partly veiled in the British flag):