
Scotland's Shame

yma o hyd8/20/2009 9:41:38 am PDT

re: #9 lawhawk

This unrepentant terrorist served what amounted to a sentence of 11 days per victim - 270 victims in all.

The Scottish judge feels that this terrorist should be released because of some misguided notion of compassion. What about justice? He was sentenced to life - and just because he’s got terminal prostate cancer, we should send him packing back to Libya where he’ll be honored for his deadly deed?

It’s yet another reason why the justice system is not always appropriate for dealing with terrorists - you get situations such as this.

Wasn’t a judge, lawhawk - it was the Scottish Minister for Justice - a member of the Scottis Nationalist Party, who governs Scotland right now.
This party seeks to separate Scotland from the rest of the UK - thats one other reason they did it: to show they can!