
Secret IAEA Report: Iran Can Make a Bomb Right Now

Syrah9/17/2009 11:00:03 am PDT

re: #19 lawhawk

Iran is likely to overcome problems in its delivery systems. That’s an understatement.

For those who aren’t familiar with US efforts at ICBMs, might I refer folks to the fact that it took nearly a decade to get a missile system that was anywhere near reliable back in the 1950 that could send a nuke anywhere in the world in under an hour or your money back. We had a huge bomber force because we needed to figure out how to make the nukes smaller. We finally succeeded with the liquid fueled Atlas, but realized that solid fuel propellants were better - and the rockets became progressively smaller and more compact - along with their warheads.

To think that the Iranians can’t achieve similar results in a span of a few years - particularly with assistance of AQ Khan and the North Koreans is sheer folly.

The real question is how much weapons grade uranium and/or plutonium they have on hand that can be used for weapons development and production. That’s the real limiting factor here, and with the centrifuges running furiously, it’s a matter of time before they have the means and the capabilities.

Cargo ship.

Its slow. But when speed doesn’t matter …