
Rick Scott: 'Obama's Mosque'

Killgore Trout8/16/2010 3:16:35 pm PDT

Crazy Pam is going ballistic today over the media attention she’s getting…..

The ‘Atlas says that Barack Obama is Malcolm X’s love child’ charge has gone viral among leftards and lizards. The only problem with it is that it is false. I am not the author of this post, and I posted it because the writer did a spectacular job documenting Obama’s many connections with the Far Left. The Malcolm X claim is one minor part of this story, and was of interest to me principally as part of the writer’s documentation that Stanley Ann Dunham could not have been where the Obama camp says she was at various times. I do not believe that Barack Obama is Malcolm X’s love child, and never did — but there remain many, many unanswered questions about his early life and upbringing.”

It’s the same thing with the birth certificate. I was only writing about it when Obama’s published Certification of Live Birth was shown to be a forgery, and many readers were exploring various scenarios and possibilities. To claim that this is some central preoccupation of my work shows that Politico has been reading Leftist hate sites about my work, not my work itself.