
Don't Blame the 1% for America's Pay Gap

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/25/2012 1:47:48 pm PDT

re: #42 Bob Levin

Yes, some companies do make money off of poor people. Like predatory lenders—who advertise like crazy on late night TV.

And like people selling everyday products that people need. Why do you try to ignore this? You’re smarter than that.

But we are talking stratospheric wealth here.

Depends on how you define the top 1%, of course: income or wealth. It’d be great if you cited your source for how you’re defining the top 1%, rather than just saying “I read somewhere”.

However, that money will only help the government and its debt problems. It will not bring about institutional change—which is what I think people really want.

It’ll do both, Bob, because the government can use that money to do things like give student loans, build public transport, etc.

In that stratosphere, they are not thinking about making 1 dollar profit a million times, they are thinking about making a million dollar profit once.

No, they’re thinking about both. There are both types of extremely rich people. Bill Gates made his initial money by getting OEMs to pay to bundle the software. Apple, however, makes their millions a few dollars at a time on the sales of music, apps, a few hundred per Iphone.

Why is it so hard for you to admit that there are both approaches, and both work? It seems like it’s an ideological problem for you, you keep trying to find ways to admit it. It’s confusing.

Like I said, I have a friend in that club. To him, 30,000 bucks is pocket change. I know this because he once pulled out a wad of 30,000 bucks from his pocket, just to show me that I didn’t have to pay for dinner.

Gee, that’s fascinating, Bob. You really think people at that level don’t know 1 x 1,000,000 = 1,000,000?