
Undercover Video: New Mexico GOP Trains Poll Workers to Suppress Votes

wrenchwench10/04/2012 12:29:44 pm PDT

re: #29 Charles Johnson

Pearce: Demand Voter ID Even Though It Is Not in NM Law | New Mexico Telegram

“I just think we need to be asking the question,” replied Pearce. “I don’t think New Mexicans know how many people vote illegally.


Bearing the voter-fraud torch was Secretary of State Dianna Duran, who proceeded to botch the effort from beginning to end. She announced early last year that New Mexico had a “culture of corruption,” a charge repeated in national media. (Just what we need.) Later she referred 64,000 possibly fraudulent voter records to the State Police. That number plummeted a year ago to 104 voters who were illegally registered to vote and 19 who actually voted illegally.

In other words, New Mexicans do know how many people vote illegally.