
Diseases Coming Back, Thanks to Anti-Vaxers

Kenneth5/07/2009 11:42:29 am PDT

Obama Releases Details of $3.4 Trillion Budget Plan

The Obama administration today unveiled program details of a $3.4 trillion federal budget for the fiscal year beginning in October, a proposal that includes substantial increases for a number of domestic priorities as well as a plan to trim or eliminate 121 programs at a savings of $17 billion.

House budget director Peter Orszag said, “$17 billion a year is not chump change by anyone’s accounting.”

Let’s do the math, shall we? $17 billion out of a total budget of $3.4 trillion works out to 0.5%

Wow! Obama the Knife is “slashing” a whopping one half of one percent of the total budget. Way to hold the line, Barry!